Me Time and a Wish For You

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Just when I started getting my life back in balance from a tumultuous few years, September 15, JJ had a break-through seizure, or a seizure that broke through her medication. This time, the neurologist sort of kind of thought maybe, possibly her precise seizure disorder is Panayiotopoulos. Which isn’t controlled by medication. And is long (20 – 60 minutes.) And, won’t cause brain-damage, probably. But since that’s not for sure, go ahead and administer a rectal injection to stop the seizures after 10 minutes, just in case. If you happen to be awake. Actually, better have the paramedics do it since the last time, the injection made her go into respiratory distress.

Did we want to take her off the medication? he asked my husband and me.

And the stress moved through my body without my consent . . . 

Not surprisingly, I got sick. I stopped my healthy eating and exercise just when I was back on track.

My coping skills sucked.

Something needed to change.

So, what did I change?

I let my friends take me to Devil’s Thumb Ranch where I laughed a lot, ate good food, connected with nature, hung out with a really friendly calf, and rode a horse.


I also got off-line and did a cleanse.


I even started prioritizing sleeping 9 hours — instead of 5.


Here are a few moments from my Devil’s Thumb Ranch trip in Winter Park, Colorado. You’ll see how I found my center again.

Here’s the view from my huge claw-foot bathtub.

My special calf friend liked me. We hung out for some time because I liked him, too.

A trail ride connected me with nature . . .

You smell like horse 🙂  . . .

I walked and walked alone in nature.

How is the stress now?

I feel better — peaceful and centered – better than I have in a long time.

Yes, JJ still has a seizure disorder. Unfortunately, we haven’t figured out what we’re going to do about the medication yet. I wish it were an easy decision.

But, I could handle this sleep-deprived EEG.

I can.

Because I’m finally taking care of myself.

. . .

My Holiday Wish For You

I wish that this holiday, you take time for you, too. Take time to read a book, get massages and pedicures, go on a mini-retreat, hang out with friends, go outside and walk, pet a cow, go off-line.

I think you and your family will be glad you did.

The Next Few Weeks

The next few weeks I will share with you my favorite gift ideas from the gift guides – and chances to win different products. No, I’m not becoming a giveaway blog, but I do want to share my favorite things for the holidays — and hope that in doing so, it makes your life a bit easier.

I cherish you and wish you many blessings this season,

~ Melissa


 Holiday Gift Guide: Books for Kids

 Creativity Gifts for Kids

 Holiday Gift Guide: Math and Science 

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  1. I am so sorry you have to deal with breakthrough seizures. Thank goodness you have friends who help you carve out some coping time. I hope you find answers to your daughter’s health problems.

  2. This is the best blog I have read in a long time. Thank you for sharing such an important message with all of us. You are an inspiration. Hang in there and do well. I know you will. Best!

  3. I am so glad that you got some time to de-stress to take care of yourself. You can’t take care of your daughter if you aren’t taking care of yourself first, though it’s so easy to put yourself, as the mom, as last.


    ps Let me know if you want me to research a pediatrician specializing in seizure disorders here in Boston. Boston Children’s Hospital and Mass General Hospital have some of best doctors in the world. It sounds like a second opinion might be helpful.

    1. thanks, Mia. Our doctor at Childrens actually just published the text book for other doctors on seizure disorders so it would seem he’s quite the expert. He even wants to include our video on the book’s companion disc showing JJ’s type of seizure since it’s very new and no others have been documented on video. Is there a definite answer or is it just a science that is still not predictable 100%? I don’t know but I’ll keep your offer in mind. A trip to Boston would be fun anyway.