I’m Getting Organized with Paper Products

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx.com on behalf of the Paper + Packaging Board.

Staying organized is a huge goal of mine because I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants for too long. (I am not going to show you a photo of my office desk or floor. I’m a piler!) That’s why I was so interested when Paper & Packaging offered to help me stay organized and be more productive with paper, not digital tools, with Paper + Packaging Board called How Life Unfolds®. Yay!

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

Check out this cool box of paper-based products they sent me!

It contained:

  • Knock, Knock Goals Notebook
  • General Pencil Company pencils
  • Rework book by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, founder of 37Signals
  • Panda Planner
  • Erin Condren Note Cards
  • Post-it Notes

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

Paper Does Help Organization & Productivity!

Right away I tried the Panda Planner. Above you can see that I’m using the daily section but there are monthly and weekly sections, too. Honestly, it’s been such a good experience, it’s convinced me to return to paper. Here’s why:

  • It’s easier to remember what I’m doing and need to do when I write it down and see it on paper.
  • I love seeing my day laid out with the schedule and goals.
  • Even more, I love crossing off things I’ve accomplished!! That is so satisfying.
  • It helps me be intentional — not reactionary.
  • Writing in colored pens is my jam. Seriously, it’s my favorite.

Research says that working on paper keeps away distractions — no apps, no messages, and no videos — helps! AND, writing by hand is more effective for learning and remembering.

Not to mention, with a paper planner like Panda Planner, there are no batteries to recharge or die.

Even over 50% of college students, aka. digital natives, say that they learn best when writing things by hand.

As for me, I’m using paper products to get organized! And, that is helping me be more productive! (Which means I have extra time in my day to clean up the messy piles and do more fun things with my kids.)

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

I just wrote a thank you note using these beautiful notecards to blogger friend of mine, Jenny Finke, because her recent Denver blogging events have given me a new group of people with whom to collaborate and learn. I’m so grateful for The Denver Bloggers Club and Jenny. Apparently, this activity is super good for me, too. Did you know (I just learned this) that writing a thank-you note, expressing gratitude, is GREAT for the brain? Now I know what to tell my kids when they whine about writing thank you cards for gifts. 🙂

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

By the way, how cool is this goal setting sheet?

Writing down goals!

Crossing them off!

Being intentional.

I’m thrilled to be back on track with work. As many of you know, my health issues have led to my treading water for the last six years. I am so jazzed about feeling good enough to get organized and make money. It’s been years where I could barely work even an hour a day. Life is good!

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

Speaking of making money, . . .”Start with something real. Anything else is just a distraction,” says Jason Fried in Rework. This book is for entrepreneurs (who he calls “starters” in the book) to help us get past planning and talking and actually launch. Rework suggests that we focus on the epicenter of our business and figuring out the rest (without a set plan!) as we go. “The core of your business should be built around things that won’t change. Things that people are going to want today and ten years from now. Those are the things you should invest in.”

I'm Getting Organized (& Increasing Productivity) with Paper Products

The timing of this book is perfect for me because I have an idea I’m ready to dive into. (Hooray!) I haven’t told anyone about this yet but I’m (mostly) ready to share that I’m launching writing classes for homeschooling kids live and via video this fall. I’m so excited. Because I’m really a good writing teacher. Better than I am a writer, actually. Teaching writing is my favorite thing — and was my favorite thing when I taught in the school system and out of my house. In fact, it was something I trained teachers on for many years. When a homeschooling friend recently told me that she wished I would do teach writing classes for her son, I knew it was the exact right idea and the exact right time. Rework reminded me that I don’t need to have the perfect everything ready — I need to just go for it.

Watch me being all organized, productive, and excited for the future. Whoo- hoo!

What about you? Do you find paper products help you stay organized and productive?

Do you have any business ideas you’re ready to launch?

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