An Author Game for Older Kids — Notable Novelists

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I learned to love literature outside of school – reading books for many reasons as one does, for pleasure, escape, understanding. It always puzzled me some of the reading requirements in my high school and in my B.A. in English. Other than Shakespeare, there were few selections I actually enjoyed. (Admittedly, when choice is taken away, it’s harder to enjoy the book.)

Have you ever read classic books outside of your formal education? (My two favorites were reading Lolita by Nabokov and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy.)

The card game, Notable Novelists™, encourage learning about such classic authors. (Perhaps long before they would actually read them.) I’m not sure this would work unless you were over 16 because the deck consists of challenging novels and novelists.

It’s a matching game of famous authors.

To play, you’re dealt four cards.

The object is to get three cards for each novelist:
1. Author Card includes the author’s name, portrait and birth/death date.
2. Library Card includes 3 important books by the author.
3. Bio Card includes a piece of biographical info about the author. (These are really fascinating!)

Play it like Go Fish. “Do you have a Richard Wright?

The winner is the one with the most sets of author cards. Game creator, Gina Manola, suggests using the game as a book club party favor. What do you think? Is this a game you would play?

What are your favorite classics read outside of school?

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  1. To state it very simply, this game is “Go Fish” with a literary twist. It is super easy to play. Don’t worry about trying to figure out complicated rules. If you know how to play “Go Fish” you know how to play this game. Simply collect the library card, bio card, and author card for each particular author and you have a point. This game is a great way to familiarize children with authors. The author selection including- Ernest Hemingway, E.M. Forster, John Cheever, Edith Wharton, and others is a more appropriate fit for teenagers, but could be beneficial to kids younger in an attempt to introduce them to these famous writers.